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Assignment 11

1) How have you grown towards this goal? Did your goals or focus change over the course of the semester? 


At the beginning of the semester my goals were more toward my range and transposition. But, because most of my rep is not geared toward this, my focus on it has changed for the most part. These are more overall goals now. Thus, I decided to focus on more relevant goals for this semester. I'm still working on range, but this semester I decided to focus more on my high range. Thus, everyday I focus on the high part of my Clark studies warm up. I am hopefully going to switch to the low range next semester so I can focus expanding that part of my range. My goal also changed to focusing on trying to not get nervous while performing. I did this because I realized it was one of the major factors holding me back from reaching my full potential.


2) What was a challenge you faced this semester with respect to your time, wellness, or motivation? How did you work through it? What have you learned for next time you face this challenge? 


A challenge I faced this semester was figuring out how to time my practices so that I can balance my practice between band rep and jury rep. I worked through this by dividing up the time I spent on each subject area. I spend about 10 minuets warming up, a half hour on band rep and a half hour on pieces. Also, whatever piece I focused on for one practice I tried to focus on a different piece next time I practiced. That way I can cycle through them. I also tried to pay extra attention to my clock so that I did not go over the time. I have learned that when you do not have a lot of time in the day to practice, you need to have a plan so that you do not fall behind in any of the material you are learning. I also learned to focus on the parts of the piece I have difficulty with instead of trying to play the whole piece when I practice. This helped to cut down on the time I use on practicing parts I do not not need to focus on, but that I like.  


3) Think of an idea that will be helpful to keep in mind as you work through next semester. This can be a good habit you are trying to keep, a specific goal, or a guiding principal. Write a phrase or mantra that you can use every day to remind you of this idea. Write this phrase in bold at the end of your reflection.


I would like to remind myself that, although I am going to mess up while playing and sometimes I will come across many difficulties while playing, that it's okay as long as I keep going and never give up.


Who decided it doesn't matter how many times I fail, I'm going to courageously peruse it. I don't care what people say, I don't care what they think. This is something I wan't that gives my life meaning and value. 

-FAIL YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS - Motivational Video on Never Giving Up


Except where you are and except the responsibility that you are going to take yourself where you want to go.

-Unbroken - Motivational Video


It doesn't matter what happens to you. What matters is what are you going to do about it?

-Unbroken - Motivational Video


This year I will make my goal become a reality. I wont talk about it anymore. I can, I can.

-Unbroken - Motivational Video


If you can take it you can make it

“A lifetime of glory is worth a moment of pain. Louie thought: Let go.”

- Unbroken By: Laura Hillenbrand





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