Danny Boy

In Danny Boy I am hearing the home tone throughout this piece. It also ends on the home tone.
When I was playing I could hear the major arpeggio in the chord of one in Bb major. The chord goes So, Mi, Do in the piece. The Do was at the bottom if we put the chord together is creates a Major chord built on the home tone.
You Raise Me Up
I was listening to You Raise Me Up sung by Josh Groban on Sunday and it is filled with chords built around the home tone. I could tell there are key changes in this song. The intro is in a minor key but when the singing starts in modulates to major. At least that is what I heard. The song circulates the home tone often, going below and above the home tone pitch. I heard a So, Do, Mi at the start of the song which lead me to listen for more broken chords. Once I figured out the home tone I could also hear some root position chords.