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Assignment 5 + 6

The song I choose to research is called Stadium Pow Wow ft. Black Bear by A Tribe Called Red (ATCR). The group has members from the "Nipissing First Nation, the Mohawk of the Six Nations of the Grand River, and the Cayuga First Nation." ATCR worked with the Black Bear Singers to create this song. Black Bear is a "a traditional Atikamekw drum group from the community of Manawan, Quebec." The Stadium Pow Wow was one of the many songs written by ATCR to help covey the tension they feel between "modern culture and their ancient ancestral culture." This song includes both "traditional Native North American pow wow chanting and singing with modern dub step and hip hop beats." ATCR also said that this song was significant for them because "it was one of the first songs we worked on with 2oolman and also the first time we worked closely with a drum group. Doing that was the realization of a dream that the band has had for years, and we are super thankful to Black Bear for being open minded about it." ATCR's music has helped to bring awareness to indigenous issues. It has also promoted " indigenous creativity, music, fashion and art without appropriation." One of the ways they do this is by creating visually pleasing videos, such as the Stadium Pow Wow video, that incorporate "film and pop culture references to native people and reclaim the aboriginal image." 

I choose this song because I thought it had a good rhythm and beat to it. I liked that it combined elements of music that I was both familiar with and not familiar with. I know some dub step and I am familiar with hip hop beats. But, I am unfamiliar with traditional Native North American chanting. Although, I thought these two worked/fit really well together to make an impact and powerful song. Before this assignment I did not know much about indigenous music, but I did not think that I would like it as much as I do. It is actually something I would like to listen to in my everyday life. Also, the music from ATCR is not that different from just regular dub step, but I like it more because it is more wholesome. I also did not know that it actually has a big fan base, or that the fan base is so large and widespread that ATCR goes on tours. I found this pretty shocking considering I usually do not hear this kind of music on the radio. Although, I think it would be good to play some of it on radios as everyday music. Also, I liked the video because I thought it really pointed out the labels people but on indigenous people are wrong. They had an indigenous man skateboarding and a girl boxing, tied in with someone wearing the traditional headdress and doing a symbolic dance. I think this really emphases the similarities between indigenous people and non-indigenous people. I think this because it shows indigenous people dressed like and doing activities that a lot of stereotypical non-indigenous people do. Also, it shows indigenous people dressed like and doing activities that a lot of uncultured people would not necessarily associate indigenous people with doing. I also though the building of the bridge and standing at it pointed out that this is also their land and they deserve equal treatment of their land and they are ready to stand up and protect it.





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