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Assignment 12

​I really like when Brene said that “courageous people know how to get back up after they fall.” I think this is important to know in life because a lot of people think that courageous people don’t ‘fall.’ But, this is wrong, courageous people are courageous because they take chances, and when you take chances it is almost inevitable that that person will fall. But the most courageous people can, as Brene says, “get back up after they fall.” I also agreed with the three shields of shame. Personally I do all three. I feel that shame is definitely a feeling I never want my future students to feel. It is the worst way to conduct a class. I agree that when a student is shamed in a class it stunts their ability to learn, or at least learn in the proper way. Students should be encouraged to be courageous within the classroom and as a result they will hopefully learn to be courageous outside of the classroom. I also really liked what Brene said about gratitude allowing people to be completely immersed in joy instead of preparing oneself for the worst that might happen in those joyful moments. This reminds me of when I perform. When I am performing and I remember that whatever happens will be a learning experience and am grateful for my mistakes or successes. It helps me to be more courageous or less worried when I am vulnerable on stage or just in life. Thus, I am able to enjoy the moment just a bit more each time I perform a solo of some kind that makes me vulnerable. Especially when she talked about how most of the people surveyed could remember a teacher who empowered theme and a teacher who was demeaning towards them. But, the one thing that stuck with me the most was her comment “you can be the same person.” I never thought of it this way. Although, I have experienced this with teachers in high school. Where one student believed that the teacher was supper empowering, and another would believe the teacher was very demeaning. Although, I never truly thought about that teacher being both, because to me she was just moe demeaning. But, I think this is what scares me the most about being a teacher. It is my greatest fear that I could potentially be both and have no idea. I do not think I would be able to live with myself if I ever made a student feel as though their self-worth was less because of any reason. But, it is possible that one day I could slip up and become that demeaning teacher, or create that shameful moment, that a student remembers for the majority of their life. That’s why it really resonated with me when brene said “never question the power you have with the people you teach.” Overall, this talk helped me to realize how much of a ‘power’ and influence teachers have over their students. 

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